澳洲車主 Model 3 被偷,利用特斯拉遠端遙控功能讓車子鎖門減速,小偷直接棄車逃跑!
Radio presenter uses Tesla controls to catch would-be car thieves!
Canberra radio presenter Annabelle Brett was getting ready for work yesterday, when her phone sent an alert that her car alarm was going off.
A friend went to assess the situation for her, but the car was gone.
So Ms Brett turned straight to her Tesla car app to find out what was going on.
The Tesla car app helped Canberra radio presenter Annabelle Brett track down alleged would-be car thieves. (A Current Affair)
READ MORE: Billionaire Elon Musk gets SOS to help track down Sydney Tesla vandal
"On my car phone app you can actually see where the car is. We noticed that it was just around the corner so without thinking jumped in the car called the police… and just basically followed them on the map," Ms Brett told A Current Affair.
"My phone app has the ability to slow down the car and also mess with it a bit, so I was able to put the windows down, beep the horn and basically screw with them as they were driving it."
Ms Brett said she filmed the entire journey while her friend Tom drove.
Annabelle Brett turned straight to her Tesla car app to tracked down the alleged thieves. (A Current Affair)
Canberra radio presenter Annabelle Brett was getting ready for work yesterday, when her phone sent an alert that her car alarm was going off. (A Current Affair)
READ MORE: Every Tesla model allegedly accelerating without warning
As she filmed, she also had the police on the phone.
CCTV managed to capture the alleged thieves too.
特斯拉汽車APP幫助堪培拉電台節目主持人安娜貝勒·布雷特(Annabelle Brett)追查了涉嫌的小偷。
布雷特女士對A Current affair(澳大利亞時事節目)表示:“在我的車用APP上,您實際可以看到車輛的位置。我們注意到它就在轉角處,所以我們上了車,沒多想就直接報警......並且在地圖上跟著小偷走。
安娜貝爾·布雷特(Annabelle Brett)直接轉而注意她的Tesla汽車APP,以追踪那些小偷。
